my approach to counseling

I see openness and a natural client-therapist relationship as an important key to a successful therapeutic process. I provide a supportive environment based on empathy and acceptance to ensure that you feel comfortable sharing and exploring your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. I can help guide you to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and of the patterns that you follow, and provide you with the support to facilitate positive change. I will help you to connect and harmonize with your body and your feelings. Your well-being and confidentiality are my top concerns. It is you who defines the goals and makes the choice to take a particular course of action.

In the Western culture we have been supported to focus on our thinking and often ignore or supress what is happening in our bodies. Regardless how much you like to be in your head, I will show you methods how to get in touch with your body and express and accept what you feel. For many clients, this is an effective way of coming to peace and stability.

Methods applied

During counseling I use a combination of methods tailored to the client needs, including:

  • MINDFULNESS - awareness in which each thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in the present is acknowledged and accepted as it is. This helps to understand your problem, your needs and pre-conditions, which is the first step to finding a way out of the unwanted situation and progressing towards satisfactory outcomes
  • FOCUSING - is a gentle way to pay attention to what you actually feel inside so that your feelings begin to change and you understand yourself better in the process.
  • PROCESSWORK following the process (that is, deep feelings, dreams, signals, and events) to resolve issues.
  • PSYCHODRAMA to play and experience conflicts and difficult situations from outer world in a safe enviornment with empathetic support.
  • ART THERAPY using visualisations to express inner feelings and intuition in art.

Wide variety of conditions

While working with you, often several issues will be present at the same time. Typically we will work on the following issues:

  • resolving difficult life situations, relationships or communication
  • finding and achieving life goals and dreams, making life decisions
  • supporting self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-developement
  • expressing and managing emotions, coping with anger, depression or anxiety
  • resolving problems in career and work life
  • releasing blocks in creative expression
  • improving sexual difficulties
  • coping with and benefiting from being a highly sensitive person
  • resolving issues arising from LGBTQ+ identities